Self-Care is one of those new age healing expressions that's actually pretty damn useful that I forget to keep in mind on a regular basis and when I hear it, am reminded of it's simple importance: take care of yourself in a way you can sustain your life, your spirit or whatever, yourself, for real.
Self-Care is vitally important especially in times like these where it seems literally the world around us is going mad. Finding ways to pull back from the mayhem and gain ground is extremely vital for our suvival despite being in a culture, here in the U.S., where we feel like if we don't keep up with every flippin' moment of every event that we're going to miss out on something. We're not! This mentality which pervades our 'culture' can drive one to extreme normalized anxiety and keep us running at a pace that is unsustainable and driven to neurosis, filled with an almost addictive hunger that is never satisfied. We glue ourselves to electronic screens 'searching' for life beyond our grasp that always seems, almost there for our touch and yet never really is in a complete way; leaving us often feeling very isolated and dissatisfied. But we keep searching despite and because of this.
There are many things people can do besides the usual escapist tools like pop culture, media gorging, drugs, destructive sex or food binging. What are some ways that help you unplug or disconnect from society and help you reconnect to yourself?
I use my herbal remedies but sometimes my Relax or Nerve Ease formulas are not enough but since I don't do drugs or pop culture, I seek additional help. I am not sure beyond gorging on sugar and hot baths what else to do I go go back to my spiritual health tool bag to check in. I look for quiet ways to soothe my soul. Music is one of the main tools I use. Bands like Dead Can Dance and Indian Raga music(G.S. Sachdev/Zakir Hussain) often helps. Making art is something I love to do, any form but especially writing scripts, taking photos and long ago sculpting and making ceramics. Someday I will get back to those again. For now walking in the woods is one tool that really grounds me and reminds me of what's sane in the world, in particular being around trees. Trees are some of my favorite things (sing the tune). Dogs are nice too....(I like candy and cookies a LOT, but they don't like me back)
Self-Care is vitally important especially in times like these where it seems literally the world around us is going mad. Finding ways to pull back from the mayhem and gain ground is extremely vital for our suvival despite being in a culture, here in the U.S., where we feel like if we don't keep up with every flippin' moment of every event that we're going to miss out on something. We're not! This mentality which pervades our 'culture' can drive one to extreme normalized anxiety and keep us running at a pace that is unsustainable and driven to neurosis, filled with an almost addictive hunger that is never satisfied. We glue ourselves to electronic screens 'searching' for life beyond our grasp that always seems, almost there for our touch and yet never really is in a complete way; leaving us often feeling very isolated and dissatisfied. But we keep searching despite and because of this.
There are many things people can do besides the usual escapist tools like pop culture, media gorging, drugs, destructive sex or food binging. What are some ways that help you unplug or disconnect from society and help you reconnect to yourself?
I use my herbal remedies but sometimes my Relax or Nerve Ease formulas are not enough but since I don't do drugs or pop culture, I seek additional help. I am not sure beyond gorging on sugar and hot baths what else to do I go go back to my spiritual health tool bag to check in. I look for quiet ways to soothe my soul. Music is one of the main tools I use. Bands like Dead Can Dance and Indian Raga music(G.S. Sachdev/Zakir Hussain) often helps. Making art is something I love to do, any form but especially writing scripts, taking photos and long ago sculpting and making ceramics. Someday I will get back to those again. For now walking in the woods is one tool that really grounds me and reminds me of what's sane in the world, in particular being around trees. Trees are some of my favorite things (sing the tune). Dogs are nice too....(I like candy and cookies a LOT, but they don't like me back)

What do you do? If you don't have something right off the top of your busy mind, make it a goal to find some healing tools for when times get tough and manic becomes the way.
Find a way back to yourself in the midst of the heated insanity boiling all around us. Unplug from our culture and sink into the safety of ourselves, the quietude of our soul by whatever peaceful, non-destructive path you can find. We'll return soon enough to the chaos and indulgence, for now Self-Care is where it's at. Peace.
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