Reads To Consider

~Though I am not a big or successful reader due to frustrating eye/tracking troubles, I have found upon my journey a few books that stood out and seemed to contain many little pearls for the grasping.  I haven't even finished most of these books but found that even within a few pages or chapters there was so much valuable information that they were worth recommending. Someday I'll finish them :)  
- Danya.


~'Broken Open' by Elizabeth Lesser~ This was given to me by a friend in the healing world that I've known a long time.  It is a book about breaking open, when your soul and your life falls apart and breaks you in half and how that process works…and hopefully how you can learn from it and keep going into a healing phase. ~

~'Eastern Body, Western Mind' by Anodea Judith (on the psychology of Chakras)~ Wonderful book linking the psychology of western peoples like here in the U.S. with the eastern based philosophy of Chakra medicine and theory.  It is so engaging and resonant as well as super informative as it gives insight into the layers of possible connections to problems anyone might be experiencing on a physical level, which is then entwined with a metaphorical/spiritual level. ~

~Dark Nights of the Soul is starting off to be an excellent book that speaks in such a precise and honorable way about being in the dark night of one's soul that I have great hopes of having found another valuable source.  He speaks of the dark night with such reverence and respect so as not to diminish or make common the experience of wrangling with one's soul while having lost faith or hope or exactly what, is still to be found as one traverses on this journey.
Here is a link to Thomas Moore's other books on soul searching and healing:
Thomas Moore's Book Catalog Link

~Not too a TEE as that's impossible to find another who's words are exactly everything you need at any given moment, but this article written on the 'Dark Night of the Soul' struggle, really resonated with me, overall (minus a few ideas or sentences).  It was very helpful during some very dark nights.

>The Mystic: Dark Night of the Soul~


~I could only get through parts of this book as it triggered some stuff for me but that doesn't mean it's not a good book…in fact to me it meant it was a good book, quite and painfully accurate.  Worth using as a tool to understand PTSD. ~

~ Peter Levine is a pioneer in the field of treating trauma, having created the latest treatment for PTSD with 'Somatic Experiencing'.  It's worth looking into as well as reading this book which looks at the nature of trauma and the response to trauma both in the animal and human worlds and how they differ and various theories that stem from this research, which help deepen the insight into why some become traumatized and others don't. I haven't had that type of therapy but I would like to eventually.  ~

~A classic self-help book that taps into some seemingly obvious but not so easily attained truths that can help liberate us from that which keeps us from feeling love and joy easily and safely. ~

~This book has really helped me at times when the process of forgiving someone seemed beyond my grasp. This book at least gave me the hope it could be done.  It acknowledges some really deep issues in context to pain and forgiveness. ~

~This is one of the best books I've (mostly) read about dieting and dealing with overeating and a food addiction/binging issue.  Having struggled myself with this for a long time, part of the reason I do struggle with this is because I'm naturally a rebel and hate being deprived of something I really want, like food!  This book touches on that very idea and breaks away from the crowd of thinking on dieting, food addiction and overeating and guides you towards a saner more honest way of approaching it whilst honoring how certain people tend to react to these issues.  Worth reading and considering as a way of approaching eating disorders of any kind.

~This was an interesting book that touched on some of the patterns that women learn and struggle with that keep them tied to destructive or constrictive lives.  You'd think it'd be the obvious choice to just be yourself, but many people struggle to be their true selves because of patterns and pain as a result of their early life ~


I can recommend a million books, a dozen types of therapy and a multitude of groups, philosophies and theories…but honestly at the end of the day the single most important thing I can tell anyone in the pursuit of self-preservation and recovery of hope and joy and meaning and purpose and, really your truest self again….is to TRUST yourself.  
But how seems intangible when one is deep in the dark night. Yet it IS how you find your way out again: going through the dark seeking the light by reconnecting to yourself.  
...To find that connection with your inner guide, your heart requires listening to the most quiet part of yourself.  Then we cultivate a relationship with it and learn to honor it.  
For it is the seat of your soul and knows best what you need-Your Heart.  
Listening to your instincts will never lead you astray.  
Trust yourself, 
Honor your heart.

For it already knows the way.  


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